Friday 11 December 2015

Tell me a book which you loved!

Hi friends!


How many of you love reading books?

What genre of books you read?

I used to read fictions, romantic novels... While reading books, I always imagine myself as the protagonist. Reading novels have given me happiness. You must have seen lots of people who borrow books from others and return the books once they have finished. But I never do that, I don't like to read books by borrowing. I want to own the books I read. So I have a little number of books in my cupboard. I had never thought buying books as a waste of money.

Yesterday I saw a program in television. It was about Osama Bin Laden. The only thought which crossed my mind on seeing his name was that he was a terrorist and a very very bad man. After watching that program I came to know many things about him and his history. I couldn't watch it fully. I felt ashamed for not knowing anything about world history. The books I own looked like a pile of waste papers. Instead of reading novels, I have made my mind to read autobiographies and stuffs like that.

Dear friends,

Could you suggest me such kinda books?

Thank You!

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