Tuesday 7 July 2015


Hi everyone!!

How are you all??

Epdi iruka machi?(How are you machi?)

So are you wondering what does machi mean?

Don't worry you will come to know when you finish reading this post.


      Definition of Machi in google, A slang in Tamil language that people use colloquially to refer to a close friend.Which in real meaning is Brother-In-Law.

Like brother and sister, machi is a term coined to a relationship between friends.

First day when you enter the college class room, you will have no idea about the people around you... But as days pass, you will get to know about each other and finally you get the privilege to call each other machi....

# When we call our friends machi, it seems like they will become close to us and can tell anything to them..


PhotoCredits:respective owners

#Some other alternatives for machi are... machan,maapla,maamu

#In english you address your friends by calling them dude, buddy,pal etc. The same meaning goes for machi also..

# If you look at the actual meaning for machi, it will be totally different.. It refers to brother in law... So maybe friends call each other machi as they treat their friends like family members.

# Machi was common among boys, but nowadays, girls also started calling their friends machi.

#When u call ur friend machi, it shows that you are pretty close to ur friend and you are ready to do anything for him/her.


PhotoCredits:respective owners

#Nowadays machi is being commonly used. Many  youths think themselves cool if they use the term machi... So machi has lost its closeness,,,

# To show the affection between friends, machi is used. Moreover calling each other by names look formal, so we used to address each other as machi. Machi gives us a bonding!!

                           Most popular tags for this image include: promise and love


PhotoCredits:respective owners

# Machi portrays friendship :-)

So machi did you understand the meaning of machi????