Saturday 28 February 2015

Omg!!! Is this the life I had dreamt of??

Hi everyone!!!

How are you all?

I'm really sorry!!! I'm little busy with my work. So I'm unable to post regularly.

I really want to write my feelings here.. If anyone experiencing this please lemme know, so that I would be happy as I have someone who is with me!!!

Now answer me these questions....

** Do you love your work?

**Do you love your office?
**How many of you are excited to go to your office?
**How many of you love Monday??
**Is this the job you had dreamt of?
**Are you really happy?

I'm Aysha Mohamed... Mohamed is my Father's name. I'm really proud to have my Father's name behind mine.. It gives me happiness and moral support..

This post may look like a autobiography.. But It reveals my inner feelings..

In my school days I was one among the best students. I used to study well. I got really good scores..

I'm a kinda book worm...

Then comes my college life. I chose Engineering just for one reason. Not because that I was interested in Engineering, but because Engineering was a Four years course. I'm very sure that if I had taken Arts course, then I would be married now. So in order to escape from getting married earlier, I chose this Engineering. I really struggled a lot to pass in all my subjects. Then I finished it finally. And even got an IT job. The problem is , I'm from Electronics background, but got placed in an IT company. I accepted the offer just because i didn't want to get married.

But life is not easy. I am dying daily due to humiliation and self regression. I really dunno what am gonna do in my future. When I look back my life, I feel as if I had wasted all my days living for others and cheating myself..

So friends I don't want you to suffer like me. Please have a dream. And try hard to fulfill your dream.

I can hear you guys telling why I didn't follow my dream, Even I don't have answer for that question. I don't know whether I have a dream.

Respect yourselves friends. Self respect is really important. If you feel like someone is humiliating you, then don't give place for them in your life. Just erase them from your life. We are going to live only once. So don't waste it for someone who is not worth it.

Everything happens for a reason right? So that myth goes for our existence also. We were put on this earth for some precious reason, It is our duty to find that cause, then only our existence will be reasonable...

What is the point of living a life which we don't like?

We were born alone.

We are going to die alone.
So we have to speak for ourselves.
Don't expect others to raise voice for you.

It is not too late.. Come lets live our life as per our wish. But don't hurt others for your happiness.

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